OddMall 2014

I had a table at OddMall!  I was next to SikRik Masks.  OddMall was held in the John S Knight center in downtown Akron Ohio, because it outgrew its old venue. I had never been there before, though I am acquainted with the guy who runs the whole show, Andy Hopp, from attending his other conventions. It was exciting to be in a big juried show like this!

Unfortunately I didn’t sell very much. But it was a good experience! If you are interested in buying any of my jewelry or dragons, some of the jewelry is up on Etsy, but it is better to just ask me about my dragons via glimmer [at] glimmerville.com.

Here be Dragons

Glimmerville at Odd Mall

Tea Party

I don’t just sculpt Steampunk dragons. I create original Steampunk jewelry. I haven’t made as much of it, since the market seems to be full of it, but I can definitely do commissions if you have an idea!

I admit I may sculpt too many dragons, but people like buying them, and I like making them. I never make any two alike, so you can always be sure you will have a unique dragon, if you get one from me. Did I mention I am going to be at OddMall Ohio this year? I hope to see you there! (It has free admission – what more do you need?) This necklace will be there for sale.

Tea Party