I ought to have a Christmas post, as I sit at work, basking in the glow of the USB Christmas lights on my desktop tree. But I am busy having a full “very bad” cold, of the sort that makes me uncomfortable to be near anyone in public because I look so awful (red nose, that is. I keep putting hand cream on it, but it still looks frightening – do they make nose-cream?). I even put on my glasses instead of my contact lenses today, so I look strange to myself. Back to drinking hot fluids and buying Kleenex brand facial tissues and watching the cat gleefully tear up paper for no apparent reason.
Oh yesterday I was excited because I found a 1.3mm lead pencil at Staples. I am easily amused. I also found a Christmas gift I have to hang onto until I can give it next year – we’ll see if I can keep track of it.
Thankfully the cold did not hit until after the Cantata, Teen Christmas party, Church Staff Party, Â Women’s Missionary Fellowship party, AWANA party, and was just starting during Carolling but I sang anyway. Tomorrow is the office lunch party, I will be sure to wash my hands.