Category: steampunk
Special Delivery
30Characters #13 (and #14) – Robinson & Tilly
30Characters #12 – Barden Torque
30Characters – #3: Gear Farmer
Librarian in Training
Steampunk Copper Dragon
Dragons in Process
Hey I am trying to get rid of some craft supplies, so I’ve listed a few here in my Etsy store.

The Mechanist’s Friend
He was old, and tired, and ready to quit.
It had been a long life, and a good one – why, at the high point of his career, he had created automata for Kings! And, at the low point, for demons.
But it had been a long life, and no one was interested in little automata now. They had all moved on, found new trivial things to tickle their fancies.
And so he tinkered at his workbench, for lack of anything else to do. And before he knew it, his hands found those tools again. The metal fell into place again, and a tiny creature sprang to life.
He chuckled, as he always did. Tiny newborn thing of gears and wires. Ah, but they always had such searching eyes. Looking for knowledge. Looking to please their masters.
It turned sparkling teal eyes upon him, obediently waiting his command.
Well, he thought, it would be cruel to shuffle off when this little one needs a master…
And so he began again to father another little life.