Beware the Rebel Sigh

Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;
wean it from earth; through all its pulses move;
stoop to my weakness, mighty as thou art,
and make me love thee as I ought to love.

Teach me to feel that thou art always nigh;
teach me the struggles of the soul to bear.
To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh,
teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

Words by George Croly

I have to say that I frequently deal with “the rebel sigh” – the bit on the inside of you that whines and protests Why are they asking me to do this? Why do I have to do this? Why am I supposed to do this? I do enough already.

It’s a very, very human emotion. And it leads to a strangling thorn of bitterness in the soul, that will overtake your soul’s garden, and worm its root deep until it is the only thing you can find there.

The way to overcome this emotion is to go back, with Isaac Watts, to Survey the Wondrous Cross, where your journey began. To see what Christ did for me, through His death. And to realize that,

Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were a present far too small
Love so amazing, so divine
Demands my soul, my life, my all

We are only here for a short while.  I want to echo Josh Wilson and say

Oh, I refuse to Sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself.

And go, do the work I have been called to do.


I had to throw away the Boston Ferns today, after the frost made them turn an ugly wilted brown.
But even in that brown ugliness I thought the fronds were beautiful.


If you open the full size vew, this is large enough to use as a desktop background wallpaper – feel free to do so!  Manipulated slightly in Photoshop to make the brights brighter and the darks darker.

Mad Science for All

You too can proclaim your love for all things Mad and all things Science. Well, not REALLY mad. Just… unconventional. You know. Not, you know, anything dangerously unstable – scientists can handle these things. They’re rational, once you understand the principles. Nothing to be institutionalized over. Come on, knowledge is power! I think it’s fairly rational to want a Death Ray. Almost everyone wants one, deep down. But you know, not everyone can handle it. Not everyone has the knowledge – the genius – to get by with performing the impossible. You know it really IS a miracle of science – it should be called MIRACLE science, not mad science! Yes. It’s not mad at all. How DARE you call it mad. What were you thinking? Is it any wonder fools like you will be the first to go? I’ll SHOW YOU ALL…

I say, in the immortal words of myself, or perhaps Doc Gestalt, quoting my own Etsy description.

Look! Stickers! Magnets! Pins!  All for sale here. Or if they are gone, joy of joys, let me know so I can put more up for sale!


I am happy to say this zombie pin (which you can buy on my Etsy site) was featured at !

I have 37 more brains to sell, but most haven’t been posted yet. Please drop me an e-mail if you are interested!

Mad science pins and more to come, if my maniacal machinations work out… first I have to borrow a respirator, and some eye protection…


  • We need people to inspire us to demonstrate a passion for a God-sized vision.
  • We need people to inspire us to listen more, talk less, and pray without ceasing.
  • We need people to inspire us to discover amazing things about God’s Word.
  • We need people to inspire us to depend on God continually.
  • We need people to inspire us to go beyond averaging and merely existing.
  • We need people to inspire us to be personal and relevant.
  • We need people to inspire us to be an authentic leader.

Who are you inspiring?

(Someone gave me this quote, but I don’t know the author.)