Turning over an old leaf

I live in Ohio, which is the land of four, distinct, beautiful seasons. Granted, I think Summer is far too short, and Winter is far too long (because I’m always so cold, bleh), but I wouldn’t give any of them up! So this year, watching the leaves fall and die without much of the brilliant color we usually have, was unfulfilling. We had a lack of rain this Summer and it stressed the poor things out.

But even so, I’m so glad that you can see the Creator’s hand in the turn of the hours, and seasons, and years. Sometimes the season you are in (like disgusting, cold winter) feels like it will last forever, and you hate it. But joy comes in the morning (or the Spring), and season does follow season – even if some are seasons of drought, and some are seasons of refreshment.

So take heart, tomorrow may not be a perfect warm Summer day, but it will be new, and different, and was given to you as a gift – glorify God with it, and abide in Him as you watch for the seasons to change.

Why Yellow There!

30 Characters Challenge

Hello world!
Today is the beginning of the 2012 30 Characters Challenge. (Update in 2024: breaking all the links because I am afraid they are going to send you to spam or something worse.)
I participated last year, and came up with 30 “mediocre” characters.
This year my only goal is to come up with 30 “less mediocre” characters.
You can follow my progress over here.
But I will post the art right in this here blog, as well.
Hey if you want to shout out (in comments) things you think I should draw, let me know!

For the rest of you, this is NaNoWriMo – get writing!